The Student Experience of Online Education: Interviews in a California Community College

Event Date: 

Saturday, October 3, 2015 - 12:15pm

Event Location: 

  • HM138
  • Cowin Conference Center
  • Teachers College
  • Columbia University
  • Talk

Conference Title: Learning with MOOCs II

Session Title: Design - Practices aimed at improving MOOC design and pedagogy

Talk Title: The Student Experience of Online Education: Interviews in a California Community College

Speakers: Christopher Newfield, UCSB and Cameron Sublett?, Santa Barbara City College

Conference  Description 

LEARNING WITH MOOCS II gathered educators, technologists, researchers, learning scientists, entrepreneurs, and funders of MOOCs to share their innovations, discuss their impact on education, and look at the future of online learning. 

Online learning is a global phenomenon – with innovations across content creation, delivery, feedback, assessment, and other aspects of knowledge delivery and the learning process. The excitement of MOOCs has revolved around a design for access and scale. It is now time to focus on the design for learning. 

Keynote speakers at conference were (in order of appearance) George Siemens, Mike Sharples, Eric Foner, Stephanie McCurry, Alice Kessler-Harris, Fiona Hollands, Anant Agarwal, Ajay Kapur,Andreina Parisi-Amon, Greg Bybee, Shigeru Miyagawa, and  Al Filreis. 

Using the LEARNING WITH MOOCS I - 2014 workshop at MIT as a template, the 2015 edition gathered more than 200 educators, technologists, researchers, learning scientists, entrepreneurs, and funders of MOOCs to share their innovations, discuss their impact on education, and answer questions such as:

  • How can we best support students to learn in an online environment? 
  • How can we integrate MOOCs with the traditional classroom experience? 
  • For which students and in what contexts are these courses most effective? 
  • What can we learn from the rich data streams generated by these platforms? 
  • How do we structure the learning activities to produce data streams that better support research?

Topics will include but are not restricted to:

  • Creating and teaching with MOOCs
  • Open content / open licensing and MOOCs
  • New pedagogical processes with MOOCs
  • Tools for collaboration, feedback, testing and content delivery
  • Best practices 
  • Learning from experiments 
  • Metrics of success for learners and instructors of MOOCs
  • On-campus use of MOOCs
  • Evaluation of MOOCs
  • Learning analytics and MOOCs
  • Interactive activities in MOOCs
  • Expanding the learner community with MOOCs
  • Learning research based on MOOCs
  • Key research challenges